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Shipping Status: Standard
Orders of only Inventory Toys currently ship M/Th with a 12pm Pacific cutoff for same-day fulfillment!
Not finding an Inventory Toy with your favorite specs?
Customize your perfect toy with Made-to-Order (MTO)! Shop our complete lineup of MTO toys and select your ideal size and firmness from our five insertable models in two Single-Color Collections.
MTO toys typically ship from Seattle within two weeks. Please see our Production Status indicator below for current lead times. For faster fulfillment, shop Inventory Toys!

MTO Status: Modified
Current MTO lead time: up to 30 days.
Inventory or MTO?
Inventory Toys include Premium Pours like our Opalescent Rainbow and Seacock Spirit signature colorways, as well as Single-Color Toys. Premium Pours are added during pre-announced drops, but Single-Color Toys may be added at any time. Shop Inventory Toys for one-of-a-kind Premium Pours, to see if there’s a Single-Color Toy with your favorite specs, and for flop deals. They also ship faster!
Made-to-Order (MTO) Toys allow you to customize your toy right down to the firmness, in colors from our two single-color collections, UV-Sparkle and Natural Series. And we never run out!
When operating our standard Shipping and MTO Production Schedules, Inventory Toys ship M/W/F with a 3pm Pacific cutoff, and MTO Toys ship within two weeks of ordering. Please see our Fulfillment Status page for current lead times.